
Simple Bread

The baking courses have shown me that hobby bakers tend to run into most of their problems when making the dough. Over and over again, readers make the mistake of sticking precisely to the provided timings, which invariably leads to… weiterlesen

Bread St. Vith

After having to postpone my trip, I was finally able to visit Saint-Vith, Belgium, where Puratos opened its Sourdough Library a few years ago. The library’s goal is to collect sourdough in all its diversity and… weiterlesen

Fiery Tomato Rolls

It should taste fiery & spicy and that’s exactly what you want with this recipe! Everyone can determine the spiciness themselves, because the chili does not go into the dough but is spread on the dough mixed into a sourdough… weiterlesen

Pane Gusto

After a short summer break, it is time to bake again and the “Pane Gusto” begins. This bread came about by chance, because the recipe consists exclusively of pre-doughs that come from daily production in the bakery. The proportion of… weiterlesen

Alpine Crust

The soft dough and the high proportion of wheat sourdough give the alpine crust a particularly beautiful crumb structure. Baked well,  a tantalising aroma will fill the kitchen, which will surely put a smile on any hobby baker’s face.  I… weiterlesen

Le Paillasse

For some time now I have been trying to emphasize certain flavors in baked goods by combining different wheat sourdoughs. This can be done either through multi-stage sourdough processes or, as in this recipe, through different types of flour. The… weiterlesen

Grill Baguette

With its floury crust, the Grill Baguette is a typical mediterranean bread that fits every occasion! The wheat sourdough lends the bread a light sour note and the addition of the poolish gives rise to a rounded flavor.  This recipe… weiterlesen

Mr. Nice Guy (Pfundskerl)

This Mr. Nice Guy bread is a mixed spelt bread with the recipe combining 80% spelt flour and 20% rye flour. The large size of the loaf gives it a strong, well baked crust and the aromatic crumb makes it… weiterlesen

Einkorn Bread with Walnuts

For this walnut bread, nearly half of the whole grain einkorn flour is used in the predough stages. The sourdough is mixed at 30°C and matures warm over 10-12 hours. The scald is made of spelt flakes, roasted walnuts and… weiterlesen

Spelt Gingerbread Muffins

ADVENT CALENDAR For a long time I have been plagued by the idea of baking an Advent calendar for the blog, but this project repeatedly failed due to lack of time. In order to finally make this dream come… weiterlesen

Primal Loaf

This primal load is a wonderfully moist mixed-flour bread with a long-lasting crust. The bread tastes pleasantly mild, stays fresh for a long time and is also easy to make. Since the rye dominates in the recipe, you shouldn’t knead… weiterlesen

Pane Sera

Everyone is familiar with the same old question: What do I do with the sourdough that I always have left over from feeding or baking? Right, well you throw all of it into a recipe, knead a dough and then… weiterlesen